Community Groups

ang-churchAnglican Church Women (ACW)

The ACW is a non-profit organization of women that meet the first Tuesday every month for meeting of business and finances, fun and fellowship. The ACW also holds fundraisers such as Afternoon Tea and Bake Sales, take out cold plates to help with the finances of St. Aidan’s Anglican Church.

Contact: Gloria Penney, President
Telephone: (709) 543-2443

riverNorwest River Conservation Group

The group is committed to the Conservation and Protection of the Northwest River. We know that working together gets results. The Northwest River Atlantic Salmon Conservation Group is proud to partner with Department of Fisheries and Oceans and Parks Canada to protect and preserve our natural heritage.

Contact: Raymond Chatman
Telephone: (709) 543-2287

Port Blandford Community Garden

The Port Blandford Community Garden is located within the Town’s Community Park at the end of School Road, Port Blandford and is run through a volunteer garden committee. The community garden currently offers 24 growing plots, storage shed, greenhouse, sitting benches, composters, and perennial fruit trees. Each year, through the work of community volunteers the garden ‘grows’ a little more! It’s goal is to provide a community green space where community members of all ages can learn how to grow their own food; have access to a space to grow food; increase physical activity through gardening; be encouraged to eating healthier; have a place to be outside in nature; have a place to express art; and socialize with each other in a safe place. If you would like to learn more about the community garden or become a volunteer please call the Town Hall or check out the gardens facebook page.

Contact: Lori Hann
Telephone: (709) 543-2261

Heritage Society - Old WharfPort Blandford Heritage Society

The Society was created in 2013 with the mandate of researching, preserving and promoting the history and heritage of the community.

Contact: Calvin Efford, Chairperson
Telephone: (709) 543-2978

marinaPort Blandford Marina Association

The association organized the renovation of the community wharf. The Association has plans for future development and welcomes new volunteers.

Contact: Jim Skiffington
Telephone: (709) 543-2159


1488903_587985617934473_1439269167_nPort Blandford Recreation Board

The group of residents is involved with providing active living activities in Port Blandford. One of the group’s major projects is the development of the newly built outdoor skating rink adjacent to the ball field area on School Road. This project was many years in the making and finally in 2003, after a lot of research and effort, the dream of an outdoor skating rink became a reality. Now the rink is used and enjoyed by residents of all ages. The group also hold an annual Halloween Costume Party for the children of the town.

Contact: Darlene Clouter
Telephone: (709) 543-2284

Port Blandford Volunteer Fire Department

Volunteer membership is available to citizens at 18 years of age and older who are willing to donate some of their time and talents to helping the community. Applications are available at the Town Office. All Active members are expected to attend all meetings and training sessions whenever possible, help clean apparatus after a fire or training, and help with any fundraisers that the PBVFD hold.

Contact: Andrew Oldford, Fire Chief
Telephone: (709) 543-2170

leigonRoyal Canadian Legion Branch #48

The Royal Canadian Legion in Port Blandford was built and opened in 1964. The Legion also supports programs for seniors, particularly through direct community-level activities. The Legion’s Youth Program provides scholarships, bursaries and support to activities, such as, the RCSCC Clode Sound Sea Cadets.

The Legion in Port Blandford plays a major part in promoting community spirit through its sponsoring of annual events such as the Remembrance Day Ceremonies, Halloween Costume Dance, Christmas Parade and Dance.

Contact: Pheobe White, President
Telephone: (709) 766-9157

UC-churchUnited Church Women (UCW)

The UCW is a non-profit organization which meets the first Tuesday night every month. The UCW is very active holding fundraisers and get-togethers in support of Alton United Church such as Afternoon Tea and Bake Sales, Thanksgiving Suppers and Sales, Anniversary Suppers and more.

Contact: Yvonne Pardy
Telephone: (709) 543-2242