
Municipal Services


Services available at the Town Office include tax collection, photocopying, scanning of photos and documents, laminating, faxing, and purchasing of building/repair permits.

The Town Office is located at 170 Main Street and the hours of service are from 8:30am – 4:30pm, Monday to Friday. Lunch is 12:00pm – 1:00pm.

Town Clerk/Manager:  Vida Greening
Assistant Town Clerk:  Angela Peddle

townhallPublic Works

The Town of Port Blandford offers garbage removal, snow clearing, street lighting, road maintenance, and water and/or sewer in most of the Town.

Maintenance Staff: 

Philip Holwell
Greg Goobie

wasteWaste Management

Garbage Removal takes place each Tuesday, weather permitting. In the case of bad weather, garbage removal will take place as soon as possible.

Bulky Items Pick-Up Day is the first Wednesday of each month. Place your refuse by the side of the road before 9:00am and the garbage truck will make a run through the community to pick it up. Should there be a snowstorm on that day, it will be delayed until the snow is cleared up or to the following day. If you are unsure of what you can have picked up, please contact the Town Office.

The Port Blandford Waste Disposal Site is open to the public on Saturdays from 9:00am – 3:00pm. Waste must be pre-sorted prior to arrival.

Fire Department

The Port Blandford Volunteer Fire Department provides fire protection services to the Town of Port Blandford and immediate area